The Wet Nurse

The day wears on…

We are passing an arching sweet chestnut when we hear a plaintive yelp from its roots. There, in the open air, lies a vixen suckling two cubs.

She has clearly been driven from her den, and the move must have been hard on her; she is noticeably emaciated, her bone stark beneath her fur. Unless she is soon fed, the vixen — and her cubs — will surely die. We are struck by the thought that a good mother will feed her children unto death — but at what cost to herself?

The she-fox eyes us with fear. Does this noble creature need our help?

The Conundrum

You have the chance to help a suckling mother by sharing some of your rations.

  • The travellers may first discuss between themselves.

  • Then, clockwise starting with the Reader, each traveller may take it in turns to FEED THE FOX or KEEP YOUR RATIONS.