The Wet Nurse

As we leave the vixen to her suckle, one of the cubs turns to stare at us. We see that it has a human face, wailing and red. Disturbed, we hurry away.

  • For their indifference to the vixen’s plight, the party suffers the Curse of the Wet Nurse. If this is the party's third Curse, click here.

  • When a spirit is displeased by the party, it will lay its Curse upon them. Curses have dire consequences. The more Curses a party gathers, the more lives will be claimed in the Heart of the Wood. Furthermore, if a party incurs three Curses, the Wood's spirits will reject them and they will be forced to flee for their lives, ending the game.

    When you incur a Curse, place it in a designated area of the table so that all travellers are aware of it.